Sunday 11 May 2014

[book] The relationship cure

Hello friends, I just started reading this book, and thought it would be nice to share! I am only a chapter in but I really like the author's concept about how to enhance one's relationship with others, be it parents, siblings, coworkers, significant others, by simply reframing one's request for emotional connection, and learning how to respond to others' requests (the author calls these "bids"). Many 'miscommunication' issues, and occasions of feeling ignored (even when you are talking to the other person), can be avoided by learning how to communicate one's needs, or adjusting one's words according to the other's responses. I also like how he gives perspective on how one's family background and previous experiences can affect how one "bids" for attention, and answers to others' "bids". I feel that in many cases, communication can be enhanced if one has a understanding of where the other party is coming from, in terms of perspective and character. I am excited to learn more from this book!

ps. If you have read this too, I would love to hear your thoughts!

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